At Home

First of all you should contact the deceased’s G.P who will attend your home address to certify that death has taken place, if the G.P can determine the cause of death, he or she will subsequently issue a death certificate. Once the Doctor has attended you can then telephone us and we will at a time convenient for you, attend your home address convey the deceased to our Chapel of Rest.

At Hospital, Nursing Home or Residential Home

A member of nursing staff or the administration team will be able to advise you when and from where to collect the death certificate at the appropriate time.

H.M Coroner

It is in the general interest of the community that a sudden or unexplained death should be investigated, this is the role of the Coroner, he or she will be involved when no Doctor has treated the deceased within 14 days prior to the death, when the death occurred during an operation or when the death may be due to industrial injury or disease.

We will provide a Home Office booklet with full details of the Coroners procedure should you require one or alternatively you can click HERE